Dorado with Vegetable Tagliatelle


  • Dorado fish
  • 50g carrots (thin slices)
  • 50g baby marrow (slices)
  • 20ml olive oil
  • 20g butter
  • 50ml orange juice
  • 20ml white wine
  • 100ml chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon of capers
  • 15ml orange pulp
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1ml thyme
  • 2ml sugar
  • 1ml orange peels
  • 1ml ground black pepper


Cleaning the fish

  1. Make cuts along the back and abdomen and separate two fillets
  2. Remove the abdominal and spinal bones
  3. Season with salt and pepper

Cooking the sauce

  1. Fry onions in olive oil until transparent
  2. Add the capers, orange zest and pulp
  3. Add the thyme and wine, evaporate the liquid
  4. Enter the part of the broth and orange juice
  5. Evaporate and add a little bit of salt and sugar. The sauce should taste sour-sweet-salty

Cooking the fish

  1. Fry the Dorado fillet on both sides in olive oil
  2. Put the slices of carrots and baby marrows in the same frying-pan
  3. The vegetables should be under the fish!
  4. Pour the fish and the vegetables with the sauce and remaining broth
  5. Stew for 10 minutes, until the vegetables are cooked al dente (well stewed but not overcooked)
  6. Add the butter, making circular clockwise motions with a frying pan on the stove
  7. First put the fish fillets on a plate, add the vegetables on top and pour the sauce over the vegetables.

Recipe and image via