

Nutrition Value: Protein, Vitamins B6 and B12, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Sugar.

Ways to cook: Needs a good boil, after which it can be pickled, stewed, roasted, deep-fried, or grilled.

Portion Sizes: 150 – 200g

Taste: Octopus is delightfully meaty and comforting. The meat reminds of one of chicken, lobster, or pork, but the texture is different. In general, it  takes up the taste and flavours of the spices and condiments it’s served with.

Sides Suggestions:

  • Glazed Octopus with Green Tea Tempura, Root & Sea Veggies, and Jerusalem Artichoke Cream
  • Grilled Octopus on a Bed of Pearled Couscous
  • Octopus with Saffron, Black Risotto & Pickled Dulse
  • Portuguese Octopus Salad
  • Wine & Garlic  Marinated Sous Vide Octopus on the Grill

Similarities: Nautilus, Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish.

To Drink with Octopus: Sauvignon Blanc, Chignon Blanc, Beaujolais, Beer

Best way to cook

Grilling: Grilling fish gives you a great advantage as you have complete control over the temperature. Always coat your fish with oil or fat to prevent sticking. As you’re heating your grill, cover the grate loosely with aluminum foil. The intense heat will cause any residue to dissolve, starting the cleaning process for you. This also minimizes sticking.

Blast the heat to 288°C. Remove the aluminum foil. Using a grill brush, scrape the grate clean. Fold a few sheets of paper towels into a small pad, dip them in oil using tongs and rub over the bars of the grate until it looks glossy.

Choose fillets that are thick and sturdy for grilling and can stand up to the intense heat of live fire. Cut your fish into portions that have an even thickness to ensure you don’t have any dry or undercooked parts. Coat your fish with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and place it skin-side down and diagonally on the grill.

This makes it easier to flip the fish as it’s lying at an angle. The fish will take 8 minutes to cook through per inch of thickness, taking about 3-5 minutes per side. Reduce the heat to medium, cover the grill and let it cook. When cooked properly, the meat will be firm to the touch, flake easily with a fork, and appear opaque all the way through.